
5 Most Generous Countries In The World

World AIDS Day - Cadence Magazine

In mid-2021, the Charity Aid Foundation (CAF) released the World Giving Index (WGI) which revealed several survey results regarding the most generous countries in the world.

  • Indonesia (59%)

Zakat is the main factor for Indonesia in generosity. Apart from zakat, gotong royong is often echoed by the Indonesian people to carry out volunteer activities.

  • Kenya (58%)

The tradition and philosophy of ubuntu make Kenya one of the most generous countries.

  • Nigeria (52%)

Thanks to the role of non-profit organizations involved in creating awareness of the pandemic and helping each other, Nigeria has been named one of the most generous countries in the world.

  • Myanmar (51%)

Myanmar has often held the top spot for countries where people love to donate. This is due to the suggestion of giving charity which is part of the Theravada branch of Buddhism.

  • Australia (49%)

The presence of Australia in the top five as the most generous country may be related to the circumstances when this survey was conducted. At that time, Australia had a charity movement to tackle the bushfires that occurred in early 2020.