
Benefits of Aloe Vera For Our Face

Aloe Vera plants - Spiceography

Aloe vera is known to have many health benefits. Usually aloe vera is used to thicken hair, and in fact this plant also has benefits for the face.

Aloe vera contains many nutrients, such as: Vitamins B, B12, E, C, Folic Acid, Minerals, Calcium, Sodium, Magnesium, Chromium Selenium, Zinc, Potassium Manganese, Antioxidants, Anti-inflammatory.

Then, what are the benefits of aloe vera for our face?

  • Moisturizing Skin

Aloe vera contains a lot of antioxidants that function to block UV exposure to the skin. Aloe vera gel is cooling and able to moisturize the skin. However, the use of sunscreen is still recommended in order to get maximum protection from UV exposure.

  • Reduces Infections and Prevents Acne

The antiseptic contained in aloe vera allows your face to be protected from bacterial attack. Aloe vera has antimicrobial properties that can treat acne without causing damage to the skin. Polysaccharides and gibberellins contained in aloe vera also accelerate the growth of new cells and reduce inflammation and redness on our faces.

  • Brighten Face

The nutrients and minerals contained in aloe vera can remove facial blemishes slowly. Aloe vera contains substances to increase skin cell reproduction, reduce redness, and fight skin inflammation. This property can be used as a natural treatment for acne scars and stretch marks.

  • Fight Aging

Aloe vera contains vitamins C and E and abundant beta-carotene in aloe vera gel makes this plant anti-aging properties. Its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties help increase collagen production in the body and skin elasticity.