
Is The Tea Containing Caffeine?

A Cup of tea - World Tea Directory

Caffeine is a stimulant compound that can be found in some foods and beverages. Caffeine or you can call it trimethylxanthine. Basically trimethylxanthine is a neuro stimulant, and many scientists all over the world usually call caffeine a ‘natural drug’.

In tea, the caffeine content is lower than coffee. According to a Psychopharmacology expert at Swinburne University, Australia, Andrew Scholey. That the caffeine and I-theanine content in tea can make people clearer in thinking, focused, and calm. Also reported from, drinking green tea at least 100 ml per day, will reduce the risk of depression and dementia.

Although caffeine has health benefits, consuming too much of it can certainly cause various side effects. Some of the side effects when getting too much caffeine are: restlessness, insomnia, headache, dizziness, abnormal heartbeat, dehydration, and dependence.