
Unique Facts About Dragon Fruit For Health

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One of the tropical fruits with many health benefits has a sweet fruit taste and a beautiful color. High in nutrients, dragon fruit is commonly eaten directly or processed into juices or fruit salads. 

Here are some unique facts about dragon fruit.

Rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals, so they can prevent damage to cells in the body. Consuming many foods that contain antioxidants can help prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis and heart disease.

  • High in fiber

Dragon fruit is a food that has a very high level of fiber, so dragon fruit is good for digestive health. In addition, fiber can also play a role in protecting the body from heart disease, controlling type 2 diabetes, maintaining weight and preventing colon cancer.

  • Nourishes the intestines

The level of prebiotics in the dragon fruit can improve the balance of good bacteria in the intestines. Regular consumption of foods containing prebiotics can reduce the risk of gastrointestinal infections, diarrhea, relieve symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer.

  • Boosts immunity

Dragon fruit contains vitamin C and carotenoids that can boost the immune system and prevent infections by protecting white blood cells from damage. White blood cells play a role in the immune system because they can attack and destroy harmful substances that enter our body.

  • Contains iron

Iron plays an important role in the process of oxygen distribution throughout the body, besides that it also has a role in breaking down food into energy. Dragon fruit is one of the few fruits that contain iron.

  • Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke

Magnesium has an important role to break down food into energy, muscle contraction, bone formation and even dna creation. Some studies show that a high intake of magnesium can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • Preventing disease

Reporting from Verywell Fit, the vitamin C level in dragon fruit can promote wound healing and can prevent disease.

So, who wants to buy dragon fruit?